Saturday, October 11, 2008


Today was a day filled with plants. This morning we woke up to the beautiful sounds of a chainsaw and the crash of falling timber. That's right, we've started real construction on my barn. I'm very excited. The barn site is up the hill around back of the house, apparently we have much more room back there than I originally thought. I don't think I've even explored half of our entire property. So a few trees had to come down, at least we have plenty of firewood for this year! After moving some logs and looking at the area, I can really start to visualize the project. Very cool.

The UGA horticulture club sale was today. Never one to miss out on good plants, I dragged Josh out to the sale. Thankfully we didn't really encounter any gameday traffic, but still I was eager to get my plant and leave. I settled on an August Beauty gardenia. My yard is full sun so I'm always looking for something really sun/heat hardy. Because of the dogs I have to resort to container gardening for now, mostly because I'm not sure where to put raised beds. At any rate, the gardenia has a nice big pot for lots of growing room and I planted it in potting soil with some mulch on top.

After seeing how nice the gardenia looked and noticing my asters are starting to bloom, I decided the yard was looking a little shaggy. I was hopeful that I could finish the mowing before the rain. It sprinkled a little but I finished and the yard looks much better. I found Barty's ropebone. After it hung up in the mower. I like that little electric mower, I wouldn't want it if I had a huge yard, but for the little fenced front yard it works fantastic! Its really quiet. After I mowed I noticed some patchy areas where the grass is yellowing and not growing so well. Lacking any lime, I just threw some fertilizer down on the whole yard. I feel very productive.

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